Our green coffee
Directly sourced seasonal coffee
For all our coffees, we look exclusively for exceptional and high quality lots in specialty quality with an SCA (Specialty Coffee Association) score of 84 points or more, in most cases significantly higher (see PREMIUM PICKS). In order to always offer you the freshest quality with the greatest possible variety of flavors, we only buy the freshest seasonal harvest so that we can offer it until the next new harvest. We work with some of the most committed, innovative and conscientious coffee producers in the world and trade our coffee either directly or with traders who share our values and guarantee a transparent supply chain. Find out more about the partners we buy coffee from.
Maximum aroma freshness
When we receive green coffee from our countries of origin, it has a moisture content of just 10-12%. To preserve this level and maintain the coffee's freshness and aroma, all green coffees from Leuchtfeuer Coffee are stored in a specially designed room within our roastery. This unique storage facility is fully air-conditioned year round at 15 degrees Celsius, with humidity levels consistently maintained between 50% and 55%. These perfect environmental conditions allow us to guarantee consistently high quality, ensuring our seasonal coffee retains its full aroma until the next harvest.
Color Sorting
Since 2017, we have been roasting on two Loring roasters, chosen for their exceptional efficiency and energy-saving capabilities, resulting in a minimal carbon footprint—a key priority for us. We develop individual roasting profiles for each coffee on our small Loring roaster, which we can then transfer fully automatically to the larger roaster thanks to its innovative control technology. This ensures 100% reproducibility for every roast, providing you with the same exceptional taste experience every time.
Our coffees undergo a rigorous production process, including six destoning steps and two color sorting stages. Initially, our green coffees pass through the first color sorter before roasting, which removes primary and secondary defects. After roasting, our coffees are sorted again using a color sorter to ensure only the finest beans with the purest taste make it into your bag. This process effectively eliminates: "Quakers" (underdeveloped coffee beans with an unpleasant taste), Over-roasted or burnt beans, Stones and other unwanted particles.