Subscribe & Save

How it works

With our subscription, you can have your favourite coffee delivered to you regularly and benefit from an additional 5% discount. You can cancel your subscription at any time after two cycles or take a break.

Choose your coffee

From strong blends to elegant single origins or aromatic decaffeinated coffee - we source the best coffees in the world to suit your taste. Whether fruity, chocolaty, floral, intense, creamy, rare or experimental, we deliver your favourite coffee automatically and conveniently to your home or office.

Select the frequency

You can choose whether you would like to be delivered weekly or every 2, 3 or 4 weeks.

Freu dich auf deinen Kaffee

After receipt of payment, we will dispatch your first order within 24 hours, then conveniently at your desired frequency.

Already have a subscription? Edit it here.

Do you still have questions? Our FAQ's

Assistance with the selection

We are happy to help you find the best coffee experience for you. Surely there are things you like or prefer to avoid. Let's see together where your preferences are.

Find my coffee

Already know what you want?

Then click here for your selection

To the selection