We are dedicated to providing outstanding coffee, sourced from the most committed farmers around the world, adhering to fundamental ethical values. As a coffee roasting company, we set industry standards throughout Europe in the entire production process to ensure we deliver the highest possible product quality to our customers.

About us

Flavor profile

We are here to create the most exciting flavour experiences for you. To do this, we are constantly on the lookout for the most interesting and diverse flavor profiles from around the world.

Seasonal harvests

We source our coffee seasonally, which means we only buy the right amount of the annual harvest to meet seasonal demand and to ensure we always have the freshest and most flavorful product for you.

Direct trading

We prefer to buy our coffee directly from local producers in order to ensure direct quality control of the processing procedures and to guarantee that premium prices are paid for higher quality coffees, which contribute significantly to the sustainability and livelihood of the farmers. Where we, as a young roasting company, are not yet able to trade our coffee directly, we work exclusively with suppliers who trade their coffee transparently and directly, have the same standards as we do and fulfil our high ethical standards.

More than Fairtrade

Fairtrade certificates are a good start, but they are far from our idea of truly fair coffee. That is why we do not base our prices on traditional Fairtrade prices, but on quality. We believe that it is fair to pay a higher price for high-quality coffee, which is on average four times the Fairtrade price for our standard speciality coffees. For our premium picks, it is even up to eighty times the price. This price corresponds to the quality and makes it worthwhile for the producers to continue to make the higher effort under the increasingly difficult climatic conditions and thus produce high-quality coffees for generations to come.


We store our seasonally sourced green coffee beans in our custom built, climate controlled bean humidor (cooling storage) to keep all the flavors as fresh as possible until roasting, thereby providing you with the freshest and most aromatic coffee.

Roast style

We roast for sweetness and test until we have found the ideal roasting profile for each coffee and emphasise the individual potential of each coffee. We roast on one of the most innovative and environmentally friendly roasters of the Loring brand. For our competition coffees (premium picks), we roast in small batches on a Stronghold roaster.


As one of the most innovative roasting companies in Europe, we use two so called colour sorters to sort our coffee in order to achieve the clearest possible result in the cup. The first sorter is used before roasting and sorts out the finest particles from our high quality green coffee. After roasting, the coffee passes through five destoners and is then sorted by another colour sorter, which removes beans that are too light and too dark.

Making coffee brighter
Making coffee brighter
Making coffee brighter
Making coffee brighter
Making coffee brighter
Making coffee brighter